Key facts about your baby.
- Your baby weighs in at around 2.1 kilos (4.7 pounds) and measures close to 45cm from head to heel.
- The lungs are maturing well and healthy babies born now are at less risk of needing extra help with their breathing,
- The vernix coating begins to thicken to ensure your baby is well moisturised for delivery.
- Your baby’s fingernails are past the tips of his/her fingers now and she can even scratch his/herself.
What’s happening with you
- Your baby is filling up your abdomen more and more each day and may become more and more uncomfortable for you to you to do things.
- Relaxin, a pregnancy hormone and the weight of your baby may cause your pelvic joints to expand in readiness for labor. This may make you experience aches and pains.
- Anxiety may creep in as you get closer to giving birth.
- Your breasts may feel absolutely huge right now and could even be leaking more small amounts of colostrum.
- You could start practicing some deep inhalation techniques as you prepare for labor.