Early Pregnancy symptoms

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Something exciting is happening to your body and, obviously, you’ll want to know as much as possible about how to take care of yourself and your baby.

It’s always good to know what the early signs of pregnancy are, so we know how our body is telling us that this miraculous change is underway. Some early signs of pregnancy in the first few weeks after ovulation, might include tingling or sore breasts, general fatigue, strange taste in your mouth, Spotting, discharge and many other signs. But here are the major ones:

·    You miss a period

A missed menstrual period is often the first sign of pregnancy for women who are very regular. However, women also miss periods for other reasons due to stress, illness, etc. So this is not a sole reason to say for a fact you are pregnant till you have a pregnancy test!

·    Tingling or sore breasts

Sensitive breasts are often one of the very first signs of pregnancy , even right before you miss a period. It could either a feeling of ‘heaviness’ or just tingly sore nipples. This is caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone and the development of your milk ducts in preparation for breastfeeding.

·    General tiredness or feeling sick

You may find that you are finding it hard to get out of bed and always want to lay in all the time. Simple chores become extremely difficult to do as it seems like coming down with the flu. It is usually referred to as the morning sickness which affects most pregnant women, with some experiencing nausea and other vomiting or both. It can happen just in the morning, all day or even just evenings. Every woman is different.

·    A Strange taste in the mouth

This “metallic” taste is one of another common symptoms though sound strange. It is mainly caused by hormone changes and some even have this feeling right before missing a period. A strange taste in the mouth is one of the weirder pregnancy symptoms, but also one of the most common. This is due to hormone changes. You can nibble on mints/menthol as this can help.

Food cravings also kick in at this stage, or you also be turned off some off your favourite foods. I was a coca- cola addict but i couldn’t even stand the sight of it n the first weeks.

·    Spotting & Discharge

Light bleeding, or spotting, is very common around the time your period due date up to 6 weeks. It is for this same reason other Moms may experience brown discharge i.e. an implantation bleed. However, if you have unusual bleeding, don’t hesitate to see your doc.

White discharge can be a very early sign of pregnancy: as the vagina walls start to thicken quite quickly after conception, this can cause a white, milky discharge.

It is very common to wee more often from about 6 weeks of pregnancy. which is caused by increased blood flow to your pelvic area and kidneys. This should ease off in the second trimester and then most likely come back again in the third trimester as the growing baby puts pressure on your organs.

·   Need to wee more often

So you are aware, women who receive good prenatal care early in their pregnancy journey are more likely to experience a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Hormonal changes during early pregnancy can cause you to feel bloated and feel slight cramping, similar to PMS.

·   Bloating and Cramping

Just so you know, having all these symptoms doesn’t automatically mean you are pregnant. The only definite way to know is to take a pregnancy test .

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