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Key facts about your baby

  • Your baby is now around the size of a squash at about 40cm (16 inches) long and weighing in about 1.5-1.7kg
  • If your baby is born this week, he/she go on to have very healthy, normal lives.
  • Your baby is continuing to add layers of fat beneath her skin as he/she is getting ready for the outside world.
  • The bones of your baby’s little body are now mostly hardened. His/her skull, however, will be less hard in order to make delivery easier. 

What’s happening with you

  • The top of your uterus is now about 13cm (5 inches) higher than your navel. 
  • Heartburn and constipation could persist and you could experience leakage.
  • If you notice high blood pressure, swelling of the hands and face, weight gain that is rapid and abnormal, and protein in the urine. These could be symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Contact your doctor immediately
  • Braxton Hicks could be getting more frequent now and may continue at this rate till labour begins.

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Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy has a lot of benefits for you and your baby. Having a baby doesn’t mean that you can’t stay active during pregnancy