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Husband's brother staying over?

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Hi i see this is a new forum but since it's an African forum. There might be similar ideas.


My husband and I just got married and before marriage, we had agreed we won't really have any family members staying over for too long because we know what this can cause in marriage.


Anyway, my brother in law has always been known to feed off family members and not really want to work and depend on family. He's old enough. My husband's sister (the first child)  gave him some money to open a food business, He started it and that hasn't gone on well. and so now is broke and cant pay rent.


Husband wants him to come and stay till he's able to "sort" himself out which we both know he wont do in a hurry.


His parents' place are there or him to live so don't know why my husband is insisting on him coming.


I just got married and would want to at least enjoy my marriage and my husband and i are disagreeing on this, What would you do pls

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hello Mrs A

sorry you are in this dilemma. Typical marriage woes right?

Ill advise to speak to your husband calmly and explain what you think the long term effects this may cause, especially since you said he known to live off people and may not necessarily want to leave at any point

You need time to enjoy your marriage !

hope you get to sort it out 🤗 
