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Key facts about your baby

Yay! You have made it to week 40, and if you have not already started labor, you will very soon! Most women start labor within one week of their due date

  • During week 40 of your pregnancy, your baby weighs about the size of a large watermelon. This is around 3.4kg (7.5 pounds) and measures about 50cm.
  • Just about all of the vernix is gone and your baby has close to 15 percent body fat.
  • Your baby is positioned at the cervix and is just waiting for your body to start the labor process.

What’s happening with you

  • Still pregnant? You may be expecting to give birth this week but don’t worry, most babies decide to stick around a little longer, especially if it’s your first one.
  • You may be experiencing pre-labour and early labor symptoms, such as pre-labour contractions, which are often short and irregular, but stronger than Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • Lower backache or a show
  • Make sure you stay home in case labor starts
  • First labors usually last between 12 and 16 hours so it’s best not to go to the hospital immediately. As a general rule, your contractions should be coming five to ten minutes apart and lasting at least 45 seconds.
  • You may want to consider having a membrane sweep to get labor started if you are going overdue.

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