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Key facts about your baby

  • Your baby weighs about 2.7kg – give or take – and is about the size of a large cabbage 48cm.
  • The lanugo and the vernix is rapidly disappearing.
  • Your baby may have begun lightening this week. This is when babies have taken their proper position – head down – in the womb and started descending into the pelvic region.
  • Your baby is somersaulting less and just rolling as he/she changes positions.
  • Your baby is still practicing to breathe by inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid. She also continues to swallow some of the amniotic fluid and produce urine which is filtered through the amniotic sac.

What’s happening with you

  • You may find that eating smaller more frequent meals will help as there’s no more room in your belly anymore.
  • You may have less heartburn and find it easier to breathe if your baby has already begun to drop down into the pelvis (the ‘lightening’). You may notice your bump has moved down.
  • Your breasts are becoming more full and filling with colostrum.
  • You may also find that you are leaking more urine. This is your body’s way of preparing you for the birth of your baby, by relaxing your pelvic floor muscles around the bladder.
  • Don’t forget to contact your doctor if you notice any difference in the movements of your baby.

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