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Key facts about your baby

⦁ Your baby is the size of an avocado,12 cm and weights about 100g
⦁ Even though your baby’s eyelids are still fused shut, they can now move their eyes around and are sensitive to light.
⦁ Your baby will turn away if a bright light is shone on the mum’s belly
⦁ Your baby may have started somersaulting and kicking, though it is still quite early to feel anything at this stage.
⦁ Your baby’s genitals are now visible on ultrasound, so if you were to have an ultrasound at this stage you would definitely know the gender.
⦁ A male foetus can get erections in the womb from 16 weeks.
⦁ Your baby’s bladder is also functioning now on a regular basis, filling and emptying about every 40 to 45 minutes.

What’s happening to you

  • Your uterus has reached halfway from your pubic bone to your belly button
  • You may feel your baby move for the first time, though some mums don’t feel the movement until they are closer to 20 weeks of pregnancy
  • Mood swings should have lessened.
  • Itchiness in pregnancy can be a sign of the rare liver disorder intrahepatic cholestasis, though more apparent in 3rd trimester.

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