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Key facts about your baby

  • Your baby’s weight has again almost doubled since last week and is about the size of a lemon weighing 42grams (1.5oz).
  • Your placenta is now fully supporting your baby, supplying vital nutrients and oxygen.
  • Your baby can now make facial expressions! The muscles in the face are now receive impulses from the brain and your baby is practicing how to squint, frown, grimace, and even smile.
  • Your baby’s kidneys continue to produce urine as he/she swallows amniotic fluid and processes it through his body.
  • There is a fine covering of hair all over baby’s body and face. This is called lanugo and is there to help regulate the baby’s body temperature
  • When the lanugo hair begins to fall off in the womb, it is ingested by the baby and is stored in the intestines along with cells from the amniotic fluid. These intestinal deposits are what make the baby produce their first bowel movement after birth, known as meconium.
  • Your baby’s movements are now more fluid than they previously were, and less jerky as your baby punches and kicks.

What’s happening with you

  • You may find that your breasts are not as tender as they were and have become less sensitive.
  • Your areolas of your breasts may be darkening and veins in your breast may appear more dilated.
  • If you were experiencing morning sickness, it’s likely that the severity has decreased or if you are lucky, the morning sickness has now completely gone away and you may experience an appetite surge.
  • If your morning sickness has subsided, you may notice that energy surge and appetite increase.
  • You are more likely prone to colds and nasal congestion
  • You may experience round ligament pain as these bands stretch to accommodate the size and weight of your uterus growing.

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