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Key facts about your baby

  • It’s week 12 and your baby is now just about the size of a plum, and measures around 5.4cm and weights about 14g.
  • Your baby begins to develop reflexes and will move in response to stimulation. You probably won’t notice the movement, but when you rub your abdomen, your baby knows it.
  • The kidneys are working now and are producing tiny amounts of urine . A small amount will mix with the amniotic fluid and then be breathed in by the baby while most of it goes in your system. Don’t worry – the urine is totally harmless.
  • Your baby is even practicing the process of digestion by using the muscles in the intestines in preparation to eat that first meal!
  • Your baby’s face now looks perfect. The mouth opens and closes, the nose is formed, ears have moved to the proper position.
  • There are two key phases during a pregnancy where the baby’s brain goes through this rapid development; between 12 and 18 weeks and again between 24 and 36 weeks. During this time, it’s especially important that you avoid being exposed to anything that could alter this development. Alcohol, tobacco, chemicals, even stress can alter the growth that is taking place inside your baby’s developing brain.

What’s happening with you

  • This is almost the end of first trimester and you may still continue to notice reduction in morning sickness, that’s if you haven’t stopped .
  • This is the stage where lots of women tell family/friends that they are pregnant because they have passed a milestone.
  • Heartburn could be an issue caused by the high amount of progesterone in your body.
  • Dark pigmentation may start appearing on some parts of your body caused by the increased hormones.
  • You are probably gaining more energy now that the morning sickness is subsiding and your appetite is back. However, many women unfortunately will feel some degree of nausea throughout their pregnancy

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