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All babies are different when it comes to teething., Some babies are born with their first teeth (yes, you read that right). However, for most babies, the first tooth tends to come through at around four to six months and even 12 months. It can push through in a matter of days. Also, some babies display the symptoms of teething without any teeth coming through for about a month or two..

Teething symptoms

  • One or both of baby’s gums may be flushed red as teeth pulls through
  • Lots of drooling
  • Pulling the ear
  • Disrupted sleep
  • your baby is dribbling more than usual
  • Chewing on things a lot
  • they are more restless than usual 

Even If your baby has passed his first birthday, has no teeth but is developing properly in all the other ways – weight gain, bone and hair growth – then don’t worry. His/her teeth will be along soon and there’s no reason to think that he’s developmentally behind

Tips to help teething baby

  • Teething rings – This gives your baby something to chew on safely as they are desperate to bite on something. Sterilise them always in boiling water. This may ease their discomfort and distract them from any pain. Some teething rings can be cooled first in the fridge, which may help to soothe your baby’s gums.
  • Teething gels or powders
  • Paracetamol or Ibuprofen – can be used to help relieve teething symptoms, especially if your baby is in pain/has a slight fever
  • Cool drinks (not cold!) -can help soothe swollen gums
  • You can gently massage his/her gums with a clean finger, or clean damp cloth.
  • Chewing on food – If baby is 6 months or older, you can give healthy food to chew on like carrots, apple. No sugar as this can cause tooth decay.
  • Playing with them can cause some distraction from the pain.
  • If they are dribbling a lot, gently wipe their face all the time to prevent a rash.

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